Control flow

This section explains how Dr.Jit handles control flow constructs such as if statements, while loops, and dynamic dispatch.

if statements

The drjit.if_stmt() function provides a generalized if statement that works even when the conditional expression is a boolean-valued array or tensor. The resulting vectorized code only calls the taken branch when possible.

x = dr.cuda.Float(...)

# Return true_fn(*args) or false_fn(*args) depending on the value of 'cond'
x = dr.if_stmt(
    args = (x,),
    cond = x > 1,
    true_fn = lambda x: x - 1,
    false_fn = lambda x: x

Since it can be tedious to write larger programs in this functional style, the library also provides the @drjit.syntax decorator that automatically rewrites ordinary Python code into the above form:

def f(x):
    if x > 1:
        x -= 1

See the section on symbolic and evaluated modes for an overview of how the system compiles such control flow statements. The reference of drjit.if_stmt() discusses the if statement in full detail.

while loops

The drjit.while_loop() function provides a generalized while loop that works even when the loop condition is a boolean-valued array or tensor. The resulting vectorized code can run the loop for a varying number of operations per array/tensor element when needed.

# Find the square root of a=1, 2, .., 10 using the Babylonian algorithm / Newton's method
a = dr.arange(dr.cuda.Float, 10) + 1
x = dr.cuda.Float(1)

# Run body(*state) while cond(*state) is True, then return 'state'
_, x = dr.while_loop(
    state = (a, x),
    cond = lambda a, x: abs((x*x - a) / a) > 1e-6,
    body = lambda a, x: .5 * (x + a/x)

Since it can be tedious to write larger programs in this functional style, the library also provides the @drjit.syntax decorator that automatically rewrites ordinary Python code into the above form:

def f(a, x):
    while abs((x*x - a) / a) > 1e-6:
        x = .5 * (x + a/x)
    return x

See the section on symbolic and evaluated modes for an overview of how the system compiles such control flow statements. The reference of drjit.while_loop() discusses the while loop in full detail.

Dynamic dispatch

The term dynamic dispatch refers to a type of function call that targets multiple possible implementations based on runtime information. The functions drjit.switch() and drjit.dispatch() realize this type of control flow primitive within Dr.Jit.

def f1(a, b, c):
   # ...
   return x, y

def f2(a, b, c):
   # ...
   return x, y

# Call either 'f1' or 'f2' based on 'index', an integer array with values 0 and 1
x, y = dr.switch(
   targets = [f1, f2],
   index = index,
   a, b, c

See the next section on symbolic and evaluated modes for an overview of how the system compiles such control flow statements. The reference of drjit.switch() and drjit.dispatch() explains these two operations in full detail.

Symbolic versus evaluated modes

All control flow operations support compilation in either symbolic or evaluated modes. This section discusses them in turn.

Symbolic mode

Symbolic mode captures the complete structure of a program and turns it into a single large kernel that eventually runs on the target device.

Symbolic mode exists to avoid unwanted intermediate evaluation of variables, which would split the large kernel into multiple smaller ones. The resulting inter-kernel communication via device memory tends to have a significant cost in terms of both storage requirements and memory bandwidth.

This is no big surprise: Dr.Jit already traces computation to generate fused kernels that specifically avoid these communication overheads. However, control flow constructs (loops, conditionals, dynamic dispatch) present a difficulty during this tracing process. Consider the following example:

while x > 0:
    x = f(x)

Knowing when to stop this loop requires access to the contents of x. To keep evaluation of f(x) on the target device (e.g. the GPU) while at the same time avoiding intermediate evaluation, Dr.Jit must capture a loop that runs for an unknown number of iterations. Doing so preserves the control flow structure of the original program, by effectively replicating it within Dr.Jit’s intermediate representation.

To accomplish these goals, Dr.Jit invokes the loop body with symbolic variables to capture the change from one iteration to the next. Symbolic variables represent unknown information that will only become available later when the generated code runs on the device.


Symbolic mode is highly efficient with regards to of device storage requirements and memory bandwidth. This is because function call arguments, return values, loop state variables, etc., can all be exchanged via fast CPU/GPU registers.

The difference is particularly pronounced when compiling code for the CPU, where memory bandwidth can quickly become a bottleneck.


Executing code in symbolic mode can be somewhat restrictive. For example, any attempt to reveal the contents of a symbolic variable is doomed to fail since it literally does not exist (yet). Other operations requiring variable evaluation (drjit.eval()) are likewise not permitted:

>>> @dr.syntax
... def f(i: dr.cuda.Int, x: dr.cuda.Array2f):
...     while i < 10:
...         x *= x
...         i += 1
...         print(x)                # <-- fails
...         y: dr.cuda.Float = x[0] # <-- OK
...         z: float         = y[0] # <-- fails
>>> f(dr.cuda.Int(1, 2), dr.cuda.Array2f(3, 4))
You performed an operation that tried to evalute a *symbolic*
variable which is not permitted.

Tracing operations like dr.while_loop(), dr.if_stmt(), dr.switch(),
dr.dispatch(), etc., employ such symbolic variables to call code with
abstract inputs and record the resulting computation. It is also
possible that you used ordinary Python loops/if statements together
with the @dr.syntax decorator, which automatically rewrites code to
use such tracing operations. The following operations cannot be
performed on symbolic variables:

 - You cannot use dr.eval() or dr.schedule() to evaluate them.

 - You cannot print() their contents. (But you may use dr.print() to
   print them *asynchronously*)

 - You cannot perform reductions that would require evaluation of the
   entire input array (e.g. dr.all(x > 0, axis=None) to check if the
   elements of an array are positive).

 - You cannot access specific values in 1D arrays (this would require
   the contents to be known.)

The common pattern of these limitation is that the contents of symbolic
of variables are *simply not known*. Any attempt to access or otherwise
reveal their contents is therefore doomed to fail.

Symbolic variables can be inconvenient for debugging, where it is nice
to be able to stick a print() call into code, or to single-step through
a program and investigate intermediate results. If you wish to do this,
then you should switch Dr.Jit from *symbolic* into *evaluated* mode.

This mode tends to be more expensive in terms of memory storage and
bandwidth, which is why it is not enabled by default. Please see the
Dr.Jit documentation for more information on symbolic and evaluated
evaluation modes:

It is perfectly valid to index into nested Dr.Jit arrays like drjit.cuda.Array2f, but the end result should not be a Python int or float since that would require knowing the actual array contents.

As the message above indicated, printing array contents is possible, but this requires a symbolic print statement implemented by drjit.print() that delays the output until the content of all referenced variables is available.

Other Python array programming frameworks do not support Dr.Jit’s symbolic inputs—this means that you cannot, e.g., use PyTorch or Tensorflow to evaluate a neural network within a Dr.Jit loop or indirect function call.

Loops (drjit.while_loop()), conditionals (drjit.if_stmt()), and dynamic dispatch (drjit.switch(), drjit.dispatch()) may be arbitrarily nested. However, it is not legal to nest evaluated operations within symbolic ones, as this would require the evaluation of symbolic variables.

Some of the above limitations may be inconvenient especially when debugging code, in which case you may prefer to temporarily switch to evaluated mode.

Besides these points, symbolic mode has several additional disadvantages that we mention for completeness:

  • Symbolic mode tends to create large kernels, which can be costly to compile. However, this cost is generally offset by kernel caching.

  • Large kernels also tend to use a large number of registers, and this may impede the latency-hiding capabilities especially when targeting GPUs.

  • Dr.Jit vectorizes computation (SIMD-style). Divergence in highly branching code may eliminate the benefits of this optimization.

Symbolic mode is the default, since the performance benefits usually outweigh all of the above points.

Evaluated mode

Evaluated mode executes programs in such a way that control flow decisions such as the loop iteration count from the earlier example are known at trace time. This involves frequent kernel launches to evaluate variable contents (via drjit.eval()).


Programs that use evaluated mode are easier to debug. It is possible to single-step through programs and examine the contents of temporary variables. You may use Python’s built-in print statement or more advanced graphical plotting tools to construct visualizations from within loops and dynamically called functions. The program may freely mix Dr.Jit computation with other array programming frameworks like PyTorch, Tensorflow, JAX, etc. Kernels are smaller and avoid thread divergence. (For example, Dr.Jit reorders the inputs of calls so that the computation is 100% converged).


Evaluated mode tends to be significantly slower than symbolic mode, as data is constantly read and written from/to device memory. The required memory bandwidth and storage can make this mode impractical.