Array types

Dr.Jit exposes a large (~500) variety of different type bindings, which include

Each flavor exists for a variety of different dimensions, backends, and numerical representations. Every type also has a corresponding C++ analogue, which enables tracing and automatic differentiation of large codebases involving a mixture of C++ and Python code.

The remainder of this section reviews commonalities and differences between the various available array types.


Dr.Jit types are organized into five different backend-specific Python packages named

(Additional backends are likely to be added in the future.)

Additionally, there is an automatic backend that simply redirects to one of the above depending on the backends detected at runtime.

  •, and


Any given array type (e.g. Array3f) actually exists in all five of these packages (e.g., drjit.scalar.Array3f, However, there are notable differences between them:

  • Scalar backend: types contained within drjit.scalar.* represent a single element of the underlying concept. For example, drjit.scalar.Complex2f stores the real and imaginary part of a single complex value in an array of shape shape (2,).

  • Vectorized backends: types within all of the other packages are vectorized, i.e., they represent arbitrarily many elements. For example, drjit.cuda.Complex2f stores a dynamically sized sequence of complex values in an array of shape shape (2, N). Program execution along the dynamic dimension runs in parallel, which is important for efficiency.

    Dr.Jit uses an approach denoted as tracing to execute programs involving these vectorized types. Every operation conceptually appends instructions to a progressively growing computational kernel. Variable evaluation eventually compiles and executes this kernel on a target device.

    The LLVM backend uses the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure to compile kernels targeting the CPU. It vectorizes the program to use available instruction set extensions such as Intel AVX512 or ARM NEON and parallelizes their execution across multiple cores.

    The CUDA backend launches parallel kernels on NVIDIA GPUs, which involves CUDA and the PTX intermediate representation. This backend only depends on users having having a suitable graphics card and driver (notably, users do not need to install the CUDA SDK.)

  • Automatic differentiation: types within packages having the .ad suffix additionally track differentiable operations to enable subsequent forward- or reverse-mode differentiation. They are only needed when the computation actually uses such derivatives.

Programs can mix and match types from these different backends. In particular, it is normal for a program to simultaneously use the drjit.scalar.* package (for uniform values) along with types from a vectorized backend.

Flat arrays

Dr.Jit programs are ultimately composed of operations involving flat arrays. In vectorized backends, these are dynamically sized 1D arrays. In the scalar backend, they are aliases of native Python types (bool, int, float).

The following kinds of flat arrays are available

Type name



Boolean-valued array

Int (or Int32)

32-bit signed integer array

UInt (or UInt32)

32-bit unsigned integer array


64-bit signed integer array


64-bit unsigned integer array


Half precision array

Float (or Float32)

Single precision array


Double precision array

The register file of GPUs is 32 bit-valued, which motivates this naming convention.

The following example constructs an 1D array with 3 elements, prints its contents, and then performs a simple computation.

>>> import drjit as dr
>>> from drjit.llvm import Float
>>> x = Float(1, .5, .25)
>>> print(x)
[1, 0.5, 0.25]
>>> y = dr.sqrt(1-x**2)
>>> print(y)
[0, 0.866025, 0.968246]

The last statement compiles a kernel that implements the expression \(\sqrt{1-x^2}\) using both SIMD-style and multi-core parallelism. Conceptually, this corresponds to the following C code:

// Loop parallelized using SIMD + multicore parallelism
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    float v0 = x[i];
    float v1 = v0*v0;
    float v2 = sqrtf(v1);
    y[i] = v2;

The kernel is fused, which means that temporaries like v1 and v2 are kept in registers instead of being written to CPU/GPU memory. Naturally, such optimizations aren’t needed when the input only consists of three elements, but they can greatly accelerate more costly workloads. Dr.Jit caches this kernel and reuses it when it detects the same computational pattern at a later point.

A flat array of size 1 will implicitly broadcast to any other size. Other sizes are incompatible and will raise an error.

>>> Float(1, 2, 3) == Float(2)
[False, True, False]

>>> Float(1, 2, 3) == Float(2, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: drjit.llvm.Float.__richcmp__(): jit_var_lt(r1, r2): operands ↵
have incompatible sizes! (sizes: 3, 2)

Everything in Dr.Jit ultimately boils down to operations on flat arrays. The various specialized types discussed in the remainder of this section are merely containers that wrap one or more flat arrays, e.g., to endow them with different semantics. A single operation on such a container then triggers a sequence of flat array operations.

For example, the following snippet computes the angle between two nested arrays representing 3D vectors. The call to drjit.set_log_level() reveals the underlying tracing process, in which each line corresponds to the creation of an internal flat array.

>>> a = dr.llvm.Array3f(...)
>>> b = dr.llvm.Array3f(...)
>>> dr.set_log_level(dr.LogLevel.Debug)
>>> angle = dr.acos(a @ b)
jit_var_new(): float32 r7 = mul(r1, r4)
jit_var_new(): float32 r8 = fma(r2, r5, r7)
jit_var_new(): float32 r9 = fma(r3, r6, r8)
jit_var_new(): float32 r10 = abs(r9)
jit_var_new(): float32 r11 = mul(r9, r9)
jit_var_new(): float32 r12 = 0.5
jit_var_new(): bool r13 = gt(r10, r12)

Nested arrays

Types like drjit.scalar.Array2f or implement nested arrays, which are arrays of flat arrays.

They typically represent N-dimensional quantities like 3D positions or velocities. Dr.Jit provides these from 0 to 4 dimensions, along with generically sized variants denoted by a capital X (drjit.scalar.ArrayXf,, etc.). The entries of statically sized versions can be accessed via the .x, .y, .z, and .w properties. An example use is shown below:

def norm_2d(v: drjit.cuda.Array2f):
    return dr.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2)

Nested arrays match the standard broadcasting behavior of other array programming frameworks:

>>> dr.scalar.Array3f(1)
[1, 1, 1]

>>> dr.scalar.Array3f(1, 2, 3) + 1
[2, 3, 4]

The naming convention of nested arrays (and other types discussed in the remainder of this section) is based on a suffix characterizing the number of dimensions, numeric type, and the number of bits. For example, the following flavors of 2D arrays are available:

Type name



Boolean-valued 2D array


32-bit signed integer 2D array


32-bit unsigned integer 2D array


64-bit signed integer 2D array


64-bit unsigned integer 2D array


Half precision 2D array


Single precision 2D array


Double precision 2D array

It is legal build nested arrays from flat arrays of different sizes. Usually, some of the elements will have size 1, which means that they can broadcast to any other size as needed. Operations like print() already perform this broadcasting step internally:

>>> vec = dr.llvm.Array2f()
>>> vec.x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> vec.y = 10
>>> print(vec) # <-- array of three 2D vectors, whose 'y' component is identical
[[1, 10],
 [2, 10],
 [3, 10]]

Other combinations make less sense and will cause errors:

>>> vec = dr.llvm.Array2f()
>>> vec.x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> vec.y = [1, 2]
>>> print(vec)
[ragged array]

>>> drjit.sum(x)
RuntimeError: drjit.llvm.Float.__add__(): jit_var_add(r1, r2): operands have incompatible sizes! (sizes: 2, 3)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: drjit.sum(<drjit.llvm.Array2f>): failed (see above)!


Matrix types like drjit.scalar.Matrix2f or represent square matrices stored in row-major format, typically encoding linear transformations that can be applied to nested arrays.

Matrices change the behavior of various operations:

  • Broadcasting: The implicit or explicit construction of a matrix from a scalar broadcasts to the identity element:

    >>> dr.scalar.Matrix2f(1, 2, 3, 4) + 10
    [[10, 2],
     [3, 14]]
  • The multiplication operator * coincides with the matrix multiplication operator @ (see drjit.matmul() for details). Depending on the nature of the arguments, this operation carries out a matrix-matrix, matrix-vector, vector-matrix, or scalar product.

  • True division (arg0 / arg1) with a matrix-valued denominator arg1 involves a matrix inverse.

  • Additionally, the following operations generalize by internally replace ordinary multiplication and division operations with their matrix analogs:

  • The following operations Reciprocation via drjit.rcp() returns the matrix inverse.

To give an example, if a, b, c below were all matrices, then the expression below would right-multiply b by the inverse of c, left-multiply by a, and finally add the identity matrix.

a * b / c + 1

If you prefer to work with matrix-shaped types while preserving standard array semantics during arithmetic and broadcasting operations, you can use nested nested arrays such as drjit.cuda.Array44f, which has the same shape as drjit.cuda.Matrix4f. The type trait drjit.array_t() returns the “plain array” form associated with any given Dr.Jit type, including matrices.

Dr.Jit does not provide bindings for non-square matrices or matrices larger than 4x4. While additional bindings can easily be added, doing so for large matrices is inadvisable: everything is ultimately unrolled into flat array operations, hence multiplying two 1000x1000 matrices would, e.g., produce an unusably large kernel with ~1’000’000’000 instructions.

Complex numbers

Types like drjit.scalar.Complex2f or represent complex-valued scalars and arrays. The use of these types changes the behavior of various standard operations:


Types like drjit.scalar.Quaternion4f or represent quaternion-valued scalars and arrays. The use of these types changes the behavior of various standard operations:

  • Broadcasting: The implicit or explicit construction of a quaternions from non-quaternionic values or arrays broadcasts to the identity element:

    >>> dr.scalar.Quaternion4f(1, 2, 3, 4) + 10
  • The multiplication operator * performs a quaternion product.

  • True division (arg0 / arg1) with a quaternion-valued denominator arg1 involves a quaternion inverse.

  • Additionally, a few mathematical operations implement generalizations that correctly handle quaternion-valued inputs. These currently include:

    Quaternionic implementations of other transcendental functions such as ordinary and hyperbolic trigonometric functions have not been added (yet). Their behavior is considered undefined. External contributions to add them are welcomed.


Dr.Jit also includes a general n-dimensional array type colloquially referred to as a tensor. The tensor types all have a capital X in their name to denote their dynamic shape (e.g., drjit.cuda.TensorXf16).

A tensor is internally represented by a flat array and a shape tuple. It can be constructed manually, or using various other array creation operations.

>>> from drjit.llvm import TensorXf
>>> drjit.zeros(TensorXf, shape=(1, 2, 3, 4))
[[[[0, 0, 0, 0],
   [0, 0, 0, 0],
   [0, 0, 0, 0]],
  [[0, 0, 0, 0],
   [0, 0, 0, 0],
   [0, 0, 0, 0]]]]
>>> t = TensorXf([1,2,3,4,5,6], shape=(3, 2))
>>> print(t)
[[1, 2],
 [3, 4],
 [5, 6]]

The shape and flat array underlying a tensor can be accessed using its .shape and .array members.

>>> t.shape
(3, 2)
>>> t.array
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Tensors directly convert to other Dr.Jit types, and vice versa. A potential surprise here is that this changes the output of operations like print, drjit.print(), drjit.format(), and drjit.ArrayBase.__repr__():

>>> a = Array3f(t)
>>> t = TensorXf(a)
>>> a
[[1, 3, 5],
 [2, 4, 6]]
>>> t
[[1, 2],
 [3, 4],
 [5, 6]]
>>> a.shape
(3, 2)
>>> t.shape
(3, 2)

This is intentional and merely cosmetic: the string conversion of non-tensor arrays actually prints the transpose, which rearranges the data so that all information associated with one thread of the parallel program is shown next to each other (e.g. to display a complete 3D vector on each line in the above example). In contrast, the string conversion of tensors matches that of other array programming libraries and does not transpose the input.

Tensors support all normal mathematical operations along with automatic differentiation. They share the broadcasting behavior known from other array programming frameworks.

>>> t = drjit.pi - drjit.atan2(TensorXf([1],   shape=(1,1)),
...                            TensorXf([1,2], shape=(1,2)))
>>> t.shape
(1, 2)
>>> t
[[2.35619, 2.67795]]

Tensors support the full spectrum of slicing operations: slicing using fixed indices, ranges, integer arrays, ellipsis (...), and adding new axes by indexing with drjit.newaxis (or equivalently, None).

>>> t = ...
>>> t.shape
(10, 20, 30, 40)
>>> t2 = t[UInt32(5,6), 10:20:4, drjit.newaxis, 1, ...]
>>> t2.shape
(2, 3, 1, 40)

Slicing internally turns into a drjit.gather() operation that reads from the underlying flat array, while slice assignment turns into drjit.scatter(). The conversion from a slice tuple into concrete indices is performed by the function drjit.slice_index() that can also be used directly.


It should be noted that Dr.Jit is not a general array/tensor programming library. It currently lacks many standard operations found in frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow. This includes

  • Operations to split or concatenate tensors and rearrange their axes in various ways.

  • General matrix/tensor product operations, convolutions, FFT, Einstein sums, etc.

While we intend to make the interface more feature-complete in the future (external help is welcomed!), tensors are best used sparingly in actual programs.

The reason for this is that tensor-based programs tend to make frequent use of slicing operations. For example, the following snippet adds even and odd-numbered entries of a 1D tensor and would not feel out of place in a typical NumPy/PyTorch/TensorFlow program.

>>> t = t[0::2] + t[1::2]

In a Dr.Jit program, the entries of this tensor would be computed by different threads of a parallel program. Correct sequencing of the operation then generally requires a barrier realized by an intermediate variable evaluation, which prevents the compilation of a fully fused kernel. In other words, the use of tensors can interfere with one of Dr.Jit’s key optimizations, which is its ability to aggressively fuse operations into large kernels.

We recommend the use of tensors mainly as storage representation of shaped data (images, volumes), and as a container to exchange data with other libraries, e.g. via drjit.wrap().